Peter Taylor revealed players motivated each other at half time to up their performance against Carlisle

Peter Taylor says it is encouraging that his players are trying different things during matches in order to break down opposition defences.

The Gills put in to practice some unpredictable set piece routines in the 1-0 win over Carlisle, and although Taylor admitted he was surprised with the first half display, he was pleased with the response he got after the interval.

He said: “You live and learn, the lads have trained superbly all week and the first half shocked me really because it was nothing what I was expecting.

“That’s what you learn about your players.

“There was a lot of players who didn’t have a good day but that happens and as long as it’s not through a lack of effort. In the second half we ran around a lot more and gave ourselves more of a chance.

“When you come in at half time the players are honest and disappointed in themselves, they get themselves going and each other. They are not fools and they know it wasn’t good enough.

“We have worked on a few things – set pieces, one nearly worked today [Saturday]. It’s encouraging that they try them and that’s the most important thing.”

Taylor said he had no complaints with the second yellow card that resulted in Leon Legge being sent off, but had doubts whether his first challenge warranted a booking.

He said: “I’m only complaining about the first one, the second one I have absolutely no complaints about. I thought Leon made a very bad decision and I have spoken to him about it.

“I thought the first booking was extremely harsh so I would like to see that one but you can’t appeal two anyway.

"I was disappointed with that because I thought the referee did well but I felt he was eager to get the yellow card out because then he had to even it up a few times with some other yellow cards and that’s when they had somebody sent off.”

The Gills boss revealed he didn’t see the incident which saw Lee Miller given a red card for a challenge on skipper Adam Barrett, but did feel Cody McDonald should have won a second penalty kick after being upheld inside the penalty area.

He said: “I didn’t see it, one of my staff saw it and said if the referee or assistant had seen it then he’s off and then I saw the red card.

"I haven’t got a clue what he did, Adam Barrett is a very honest player so for him to go down it’s a naughty challenge.

“I thought it was a penalty, I couldn’t understand how it wasn’t. You can play advantage for somebody to go and score and if they don’t you can pull it back.

“I was surprised with that. I thought we should have had a second one.

“The player stopped Cody going around him because he pulled him back and it gave the goalie more time.”

You can watch Peter Taylor’s post match interview here.