Elite U14 Open Trials

Club to hold open trials for our elite U14 group.

Gillingham Football Club are looking for players to join our u14 elite group for the remainder of the 2018/19 season.

Trials are to be held on Monday November 12 (6.30-8pm)  at Victory Academy in Chatham. If selected from these trials, successful players will gain access to the following:

-          Mirrored Academy Syllabus including Sports Science.

-          Games program with other elite development centres and professional Football academies.

-          Access to UEFA B licensed academy coaches

-          The ability to remain registered with your existing club.

To register, or to find out more information, email Ian Sanders on isanders@priestfield.com or get in touch with a member of the academy team on 01634 300000.

When registering you must give us the child's name, their school year and a contact telephone number.


Closing date: Friday November 9, 3pm