Stockdale | "The lads love him"

Watford loanee proving popular at Priestfield.

The one predictable thing about Gillingham's Columbian attacker Jorge Cabezas Hurtado is that the human bag of tricks will be completely unpredictable.
The Columbian U20 forward and former Real Cartagena and New York Red Bulls player caused havoc with his trickery against Swindon on Tuesday evening and his swashbuckling attacks have clearly won him fans in the stands and the dressing room alike.
Gillingham's assistant head coach Robbie Stockdale heaped praise on the exciting Watford loanee who looks set to become a cult hero at ME7.  
"He is unpredictable, that's probably the right phrase for him" said Stockdale. "He is great to coach and very enthusiastic. There is obviously a language issue, so there might be times it takes him a little bit longer to get to grips with something. I said to the boys that sometimes we do need to give him a bit more time because if we dropped you in the middle of a training session in Columbia you would find it difficult as well!
"We are experienced enough to know what kind of player we have. He is exciting and we want to see more of it on the pitch. The lads love him. He has straightaway become a fans favourite but we can't put too much pressure on him.
"He is obviously a really exciting prospect and our challenge is to build on that and get him in the team on a regular basis. We have to be careful with him, he is a young player, but we are happy to have him and we will use him."