GFC Business Club Breakfast meeting held at Priestfield

Business Club Breakfast meeting held inside the Great Hall at Priestfield.

The Football Club experienced an excellent turn out from our Club Partners who attended the third GFC Business Club breakfast meeting in the Great Hall at Priestfield.

Our Guest Speaker was John Bailey, the CEO of the Dewhurst Group, and he gave an interesting insight into his role within the Company as CEO , the Dewhurst Group Worldwide, the importance of appointing the right team in the Company structure and working to the strengths of all his staff. This was then followed by a Q + A session from the floor.

All of our guests then enjoyed a full English Breakfast, followed by the opportunity of networking amongst other GFC Business Club members.

Our fourth GFC Business Club meeting is scheduled for the last week in April, and details of the next speaker is being finalised at this moment.

We hold six GFC Business Club meetings each year, and these meetings are included amongst the many benefits in our LED advertising Club Partnerships.

It is still not too late to come onboard here at the Gills, and if you are interested, then please contact Mike Sullivan, Head of Commercial on