Gills to support Level Playing Field's Unite for Access campaign this weekend

The club is proud to support `Unite for Access` this weekend.

Gillingham Football Club asks all supporters to 'Unite For Access.'

All fans should be able to enjoy matchdays, but structural and societal barriers can prevent many disabled supporters from having that experience.

An estimated 24% of the UK population is disabled, making disabled people the largest minority group in the UK. Level Playing Field’s ‘Unite For Access’ campaign celebrates access and inclusion for disabled fans at sporting events throughout England and Wales.

The most recent Level Playing Field fan survey listed ‘attitudes of others’ as the second most common barrier to attending live sport, ranking only behind ‘physical access’ and impacting more than a quarter of disabled fans. This means that everyone can play a significant part in making live sport more inclusive.

Level Playing Field is the leading disability fan advocacy charity in England and Wales, and Gillingham is proud to join more than a hundred other clubs taking part in the 'Unite For Access' campaign.

We, as a club, believe that all people should be able to attend live sport. We are committed to making Priestfield accessible to all and will continue to make steps to improve. First-Team players will be wearing dedicated shirts during the warm-up tomorrow. 

We also call on all supporters to play their part in making Priestfield a welcoming environment for our disabled fans and those joining us from visiting clubs. 

Disability can be a complex subject matter, and that is why we invite both disabled and nondisabled fans to engage with us through this important campaign and to ensure access and inclusion is at the heart of everything we do.

Everyone should be able to enjoy cheering on their team on matchday, so we ask you to…


Unite for Your Team

Unite for your fans



To find out more about the work of Level Playing Field, please visit, or find them across social media by searching Level Playing Field.